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  Normally the installation is done by executing the supplied
  installer-script. If this doesn't work (sometimes the
  installer-program hangs up on my system) the installation can
  be done by hand easily.
  Just move all files extracted from the "Wildfire-Main"-archieve into
  one drawer, e.g. into a drawer called "Wildfire". After that locate the
  file "Wildfire.config" and move into "envarc:". That's it.


    +---system               -private files
    |   +---plugIns            *PlugIns-rootdrawer
    |   |   +---operators        operators for the processor
    |   |   +---general          general PlugIns
    |   |   +---system           preferences for all types of PlugIns
    |   |   ---savers           savers and loaders
    |   +---images             *icons for the icon-manager
    |   +---filmstrips         *filmstrips for the Transition-Maker
    |   ---help               *some text-files
    +---alpha                -alpha-images
    +---trash                -temporary files
    +---expressions          -expressions and symbols for the calculator
    +---profiles             -size-profiles of animations
    +---YAFAOptions          -YAFA-Compressor-settings
    +---annotations          -annotations and text-files
    +---convolutions         -matrix-settings for the Convolve-PlugIn
    +---doc                  -documentation and online-help-files
    +---envelopes            -envelopes for the Processor
    +---filmstrips           -Filmstrips
    +---images               -Images
    +---macros               -ARexx-Macros
    +---processes            -Processor-scripts
    +---projects             -Video-projects
    +---sessions             -Converter-sessions
    +---variables            -Variables for the Processor
    ---windows              -Custom-windows